Transactions and Limits

  • 31-Mar-2019

  • 3 M

Can I upgrade my plan to increase my transaction limit?

Yes! You can upgrade any time and you will only be charged the price difference between the play you purchased and your new plan.

Am I limited by financial periods when adding trades to my account?

For many crypto tax report providers you will need to purchase a separate plan for each tax period you need. This is not necessary with CHAINOMETRY. You are free to add transactions from any tax period and we will create a separate report for each tax period. That means you can use the unlimited package to add a number of tax years to your account at no extra charge. We feel this is a fairer and more cost effective approach for you.

Transaction counting rules

Transactions are counted when you import exchange data into your trading account (either by file import, API import or manual entry). Deleting the imported data does not return the transaction to your balance. In other words, once a transaction is counted it can never be 'un-counted' (with one exception).

Transaction re-use

You can, however, re-import data that has already been counted but has been deleted (for example, deleting the import session or deleting the manually entered transaction) . The imported data must be identical to the original records that were deleted. This way, if you accidentally delete one ore more transactions, you will not be penalised by reducing the number of available transactions you have.


To identify identical records, we either used the transaction id allocated to the record by the exchange, or (when the transaction id is absent) by the combination of the date & time, asset pair, price and quantity values of the transaction record for the trading account.

Duplicates and Potential Duplicates

A duplicate is ignored by the system when an existing transaction id assigned to the record by the exchange is found. This record will not be imported. This doesn't matter whether the import occurred during file import or API import.

Errors & Cancellations

If there is an error during import or you successfully cancel the import, the system rolls back any changes made and therefore your trading account is left in a state that it was before the import started. No transactions will be counted in this circumstance.

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